Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Re: Durban Metro Combined Ratepayers dispute to City.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jaap Kelder <jaap@zanli.co.za>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:10:27 +0200
Subject: RE: [Our Voice - The Voice of a Nation in dire need.] New
comment on Durban Metro Combined Ratepayers dispute to City.
To: Errol Hicks <kayhicks2006@yahoo.co.uk>


The chairman in Durban is Errol Hicks. Address above.


Jaap Kelder

*Forwarded Message*
Martyn has left a new comment on your post "Durban Metro Combined
Ratepayers dispute to City":

I wish to join in the campaign of diverted payments but don't know how
to contact you (Errol) directly. Presumably we will hear from the
Hillcrest RPA?

Posted by Martyn to Our Voice - The Voice of a Nation in dire need. at
June 24, 2008 12:13 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008

Durban Metro Combined Ratepayers dispute to City

TO: Dr Van Bergh. NBNTU
FROM: Combined Ratepayers Association of Durban Metro.


Dear Van,

A special meeting was held in Durban on Saturday 21 June 2008 which was
attended by Chairpersons and Members from various Ratepayers
Associations of eThekwini Municipality (Durban).

A proposal put forward to "Declare a Dispute" against the eThekwini City
Managment based on initial points of concern listed below, was
unanimously agreed to by those Members present.
Faulty rates valuation roll
Lack of maintenance of service equipment, traffic lights, roads etc,
Cost of new soccer stadium.

It is the intention of this Committee to deliver the "Dispute
Declaration" to both the Local Press and the City Managers' offices on
Monday 23 June 2008.

We will advise you of any further action taken and results thereof.

Errol Hicks
Steering Chairman
The Combined Ratepayers Association of Durban Metro

Friday, June 20, 2008


From: Louis Trichardt [mailto:louistrichardt@abond.co.za]
Sent: 20 Junie 2008 08:07
To: info@zanli.co.za; info@tlu.co.za; wlw@lantic.net;
kraaines@mweb.co.za; 'AB At Kruger'; cdpalms@mweb.co.za; 'Johan Kruger';
kallie@afriforum.co.za; 'David Steward'; 'Pieter Groenewald'; 'Koos
Malan'; jaco.schoeman@telkomsa.net; hb@tlu.co.za;
rudolf.buiten@gmail.com; suretha@lwo.co.za; 'Jan Bosman';

Geagte Vriende

Ek vestig u aandag op die onderstaande brief wat van Dave Steward
ontvang is .

Die datum van die Konferensie word dus verskuif na 2 Julie 2008. Sal u
asseblief u reëlings dienooreenkomstig wysig.

Daar is nou baie druk wat besig is om op te bou !

Bennie sal sy mediaverklaring dus aanpas.

Ons hou u op hoogte van verdere verwikkelinge.

Vriendelike groete !

Louis Trichardt
Adjunk Besturende Direkteur
011 4821600 (Kantoor)
0866586344 (Faks)


From: David Steward [mailto:dsteward@mweb.co.za]
Sent: 19 June 2008 05:56 PM
To: louistrichardt@abond.co.za; jaco.schoeman@telkomsa.net;
Cc: dsteward@mweb.co.za

Beste Jaco en Louis

'n Paar verwikkelinge:

1. Ek het met Kraai van Niekerk gepraat en dit blyk onwaarskynlik
dat die Nasionale Vergadering gereed sal wees om die westontwerp op 27
junie te oorweeg. Dit gee ons 'n bietjie meer tyd om die konferensie
behoorlik te reël en ons wil nou 'n nuwe datum - Woensdag, 2 Julie -
2. Ek het vasgestel dat Nikki de Havilland (SGR); Dawie Roodt; en
Leon Louw op daardie dag beskikbaar sal wees. Ons moet vasstel of dit
ook vir AgriSA se kundige oor voedselsekerheid aanvaarbaar sal wees.
Dit sal wonderlik wees as ons Anne Bernstein sal kan betrek om die
werklike probleme met grondhervorming te bespreek - en moontlik ook
iemand van die Instituut van Rasseverhoudinge om die implikasies vir
rasseverhoudinge te hanteer.
3. Die Radisson Hotel is ook op daardie middag beskikbaar.
4. Ek het 'n paar wysigings aan die beoogde mediaverklaring in die
aangehegte weergawe voorgestel.
5. F W de Klerk sal Donderdag, 26 Junie beskikbaar wees om die
Kaapstadse Persklub oor die westontwerp toe te spreek. Ek dink dit sal
baie nuuswaardig wees (en is nog 'n rede waarom die konferensie
verkieslik nie die volgende dag moet plaasvind nie.) Ons is besig om
die nodige reëlings te tref.
6. Ek heg ook hierby aan 'n kort agtergrondsstuk oor die
wetsontwerp waarin ons die hoofbesware probeer toelig - en wat ook
moontlik vir ander deelnemers nuttig kan wees.
7. Ek het met Tim du Plessi gepraat oor die moontlike plasing in
Sondag se Rapport van die aangehegte ontleding van die ideologiese
wortels van die wetsontwerp.
Laat my asb weet of dit vir ons kollegas aanvaarbaar sal wees.

Met beste wense



From: Jaco Schoeman [mailto:jaco.schoeman@telkomsa.net]
Sent: 19 June 2008 02:51 PM
To: 'Chris van Zyl'; 'WG Dave Steward'; 'WG Kallie Kriel'; 'WG Louis
Trichardt'; 'WG Theo de Jager'
Cc: 'WG Bennie van Zyl'; 'WG Jan Bosman'
Beste Chris.

Baie dankie vir die mediavrystelling. Dit lyk vir my heel in orde maar
het tog vrymoedigheid geneem om enkele verandering vir oorweging in rooi
by te voeg.

Hartlike groete.


From: Chris van Zyl [mailto:dienste@tlu.co.za]
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 1:47 PM
To: WG Dave Steward; WG Jaco Schoeman; WG Kallie Kriel; WG Louis
Trichardt; WG Theo de Jager
Cc: WG Bennie van Zyl; WG Jan Bosman
Importance: High


Op versoek van Bennie van Zyl heg ek 'n konsep mediavrystelling met
betrekking tot die beoogde konferensie in Kaapstad op 27 Junie 2008
hierby aan.

U kan met die grootste vrymoedigheid aanpassings maak, maar Bennie
versoek dat u asseblief teen 09h00 moreoggend (20 Junie 2008) u inset
moet lewer en / of u goedkeuring moet aandui. Terselfdertyd sal dit op
prys gestel word indien mnr Dave Steward sy weg oopsien om die vertaling
na Engels te hanteer.

Tydens Bennie se uitstedigheid vandag, sal ek navrae hanteer.

Ek vertrou dat u dit in orde vind.

Vriendelike groete


Tel : 0128048031
Sel : 0727169299

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Faraday Nkoane -

Memorise this name - Faraday Nkoane - it belongs to some
posterior orifice who leads a Pretoria township youth organisation
called the 'Uhuru Cultural Club'. He spoke at a rally in a park in the
'Lebanon' township recently during Human Rights Day and 'Daily Sun'
spoke to him (see attached).

At least his hate speech is honest. That means when he gets caught
practising what he preaches, one will know exactly how to handle him .

"Eugene' de Kock, come back! All is forgiven!"

Chris Pretorius - Cape Town South-Africa

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Hello Jaap,

Baie dankie vir jou steun,

Hiermee 'n artikel wat DV vandag in ons plaaslike koerant verskyn:


Is enigiemand baie gelukkig met dienslewering van Ngwathe
Munisipaliteit? Sal dit help om weer daaroor in 'n optog te loop?

Twintig dorpe, onder andere Edenville, het reeds besluit dat hulle moeg
gepraat is met raadslede en amptenare. Op sy beste gaan ons met beloftes
huis toe – net om weer in 'n donker straat (met ligte wat nie werk nie)
deur 'n slaggat te ry en die stank van die oneffektiewe rioolwerke te

Edenville het nie water gehad nie en het toe 'n dispuut verklaar. Dus
betaal hulle die munisipale rekenings in 'n trustrekening in. Hieruit
word slegs dienstegeld betaal vir dienste wat wel gelewer word. Die
dispuut is heeltemal wettig en die landdroshof op Kroonstad het ook
reeds die inwoners gehelp toe die Ngawthe Munisipaliteit wel hul
elektrisiteit afgeskakel het.

Artikel 102 van Wet 32 van 2000 bepaal dat geen kredietbeheer toegepas
mag word "waar daar 'n dispuut is tussen die munisipaliteit en 'n
persoon … rakende 'n bepaalde bedrag wat deur die munisipaliteit van
daardie persoon geëis word nie."

If we thus declare a dispute against Ngwathe Municipality, it is totally
legal and for the moment the only really effective way to apply pressure
on municipalities – in order to improve service delivery.

Sunday night (15 June) SABC 2 plans to show in Focus around 18:30 – a
program on Sannieshof. Residents had no water and the municipality
claimed that R 2 million would have been necessary to repair the water
system. After Carien Visser and the residents started their dispute and
withheld municipal fees – they repaired the water system for R 12 300.

Ons kan en moet op Heilbron ook ingryp om ons lewensomstandighede te
verbeter. Ons kan 'n dispuut verklaar en ons munisipale rekenings in 'n
trustrekening by 'n prokureur of rekenmeester of by 'n bank inbetaal.
Detailplanne sal opgestel word na hierdie meningspeiling. Daarna sal die
munispaliteit betaal word vir dienste wat wel gelewer word, en die ander
geld word dan teruggehou ter wille van herstel van plaaslike probleme.

Which local problems exist?

Our roads are in a mess and the Municipality does not seem to be able to
maintain them. A local resident recently won court judgement of more
than R 23 000 against Ngwathe Municipality for damaging her vehicle in
Heil Street – but still they are not repairing our roads.

Heilbron se rioolverwerking was in 1994 reeds op vol kapasiteit belaai.
Van toe af het die inwoners meer as verdubbel – maar kapasiteit het in
werklikheid afgeneem, omdat die rioolverwerking tans slegs ongeveer 50 %
effektief is. Daar spoel dus van ons riool in die rivier af. Mense en
diere word stroomaf besoedel. Wie gaan betaal indien daar nou van
Ngwathe geëis word vir skade. Onthou die kinders wat gesterf het in die
Oos-Kaap. Dit was ook as gevolg van onverwerkte riool wat in hul
drinkwater beland het! Buitelandse skenkers het blykbaar reeds die geld
bewillig – maar daar gebeur niks. Uiteindelik gaan ons darem seker 'n
sokkerstadium op Parys kry?

Heilbron het tans geen brandbeskermingsvoertuie nie, alhoewel ons meer
as 50 000 inwoners het! Onlangs is drie mense doodgebrand in Kroonstad –
omdat die Munisipaliteit die inwoners se geld mors op allerhande maniere
– maar nie die brandweerwaens in stand hou nie. Die week het 'n huis in
Petrus Steyn afgebrand. Moet ons wag tot mense sterf voordat Ngwathe
hopelik iets sal doen? Ons het brandweerwaens gehad – maar die staan nou
op Parys, indien hulle enigsins nog kan ry?

You would have noticed that we do not have traffic signs nor street name

Ons elektrisiteitsnetwerk is in 'n swak toestand. Kabels in Kerkstraat
het onlangs gefaal en tydelike kabels lê bo die grond. Daar is 'n
ringtoevoer hoogspanningskabel (6 600 Volt) wat al meer as twee jaar nog
nie herstel is nie. Verskeie gebruikers, onder andere
grootmaatverbruikers, se elektrisiteitsverbruik kan nie gelees word nie
– omdat die meters nie herstel word nie. Heilbron se inwoners betaal in
elk geval deurgaans omtrent piektarief – omdat ons lasbeheerstelsel nie
werk nie. Baie huise het die "ripple control" eenhede wat geysers
afskakel in piektyd – maar Heilbron se rekenaar is nou reeds omgeveer
agt jaar stukkend, selfs nadat versekering lank reeds uitbetaal het vir
vervanging van die rekenaar. U sien ook dat hoë mas ligte en straatligte
dwarsdeur die dag brand – en skaars en duur elektrisiteit mors.

You may now vote via SMS (at normal rates – no hidden charges) to
[nommer uitgelaat ter wille van geesgenote van buite Heilbron wat gaag
wil stem] whether you support declaration of a dispute: YES or NO.
Please also indicate in order of your preference, the priority in which
our various problems should be tackled:

1. Paaie
2. Sewage
3. Brandweer
4. Traffic signs
5. Elektrisiteitsnetwerk.

Please thus vote your YES or NO, followed by a set of numbers 13254 (as
an example) to show the order in which you would like to see the
problems addressed.

Hierdie inisiatief word ondersteun deur die Heilbron Belastingbetalers
Vereniging, en is absoluut apolities (non-political) en ons moet alle
inwoners van Heilbron, Sandersville en Phiritona help om plaaslike
dienslewering te verkry. WE DESERVE BETTER!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Crime Focus: June 2008 - Issue 17

June 2008 – Issue 17
In this issue:









'Safety and Security in South Africa' is an oxymoron if ever there was one.
The Safety and Security Budget Vote Debate was the toughest debate
this year. It was nearly shut down by the Chairperson a number of
times, and the ANC was forced to retract a number of gross insults
thrown at various members of the DA during the process.
Year after year we, as the Official Opposition, have had to face the
unsavoury task of pointing out to the Ministry that over fifty
citizens are murdered every day, hundreds are raped or the victims of
armed robberies, and that the overall crime rate is utterly
unacceptable. It is with profound weariness that I found myself having
to do it yet again.
In my speech, I focussed on two issues. Firstly, where Minister
Charles Nqakula has failed, and secondly, where the Democratic
Alliance has offered solutions on the crime crisis.
I gave a quick overview of what it is that the Minister had achieved,
and indeed that was not an edifying exercise.
Has our Minister of Safety and Security taken the fears and concerns
of the nation to heart and attempted to address them? No. Instead, he
has berated the citizens of SA saying we were 'moaners who should
leave the country'.
Then came the Minister's rather bizarre remark which questioned the
figure that one in three South African children is abused daily. "Is
that realistic?" he asked, "I have more than three children at home,
and yesterday not one was abused".
Well, let us hope that while they were safe yesterday, they are still
safe tomorrow, unlike the vast numbers of the children in our country.
One can but ask, after such a facile and uncaring remark, if the fact
that his children were safe led him to give in when Selebi decided to
close down the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences
units. Or was it the Minister's idea to destroy what works, as he did
when he announced that he intended to do away with the Scorpions?
Crime continues to constitute a national emergency, and it's causing
untold pain and suffering in the lives of millions of South Africans -
despite the fact that the Minister and his children are safe. In
closing, I thanked the brave men and women of the SAPS who work
tirelessly to keep us safe. They do a spectacular job despite an
almost total vacuum in leadership.
Read Kohler Barnard's Budget Speech…please click here >>>

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In May, the Democratic Alliance released a discussion document
proposing five action steps that could bring about a substantial
reduction in the levels of crime in South Africa in the short to
medium term.
"The DA believes that crime can be brought under control by targeting
the key weaknesses of the government's current approach. If properly
implemented within the next three to six months, the DA strongly
believes these steps hold the hope of bringing down the rate of
crime," said DA spokesperson on safety and security Dianne Kohler
The DA called for the reinstatement and expansion of specialised SAPS
units, saying that specialist police units, such as the Narcotics
Bureau and Child Abuse units, are essential in the fight against crime
because they allow for specialist experts to be nurtured and retained.
Kohler Barnard called for improved collaboration and cooperation
between private security and the SAPS, proposing that the role and
powers of the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA)
should be reviewed.
"The government has largely ignored the private security sector's
potential contribution towards managing crime. By bringing the private
security sector to work effectively with the SAPS, human resources in
the fight against crime can be more than doubled," said Kohler
The DA's third proposed step was to focus attention on SAPS Stations
and Forensic Science Laboratories (FSLs), calling for an increase in
the SAPS' detective corps by an additional 30,000 detectives, and a
quarterly stock-take of all equipment and resources, such as
bullet-proof vests, weapons, vehicles, etc. - at every police station.
"Well-functioning and efficient FSLs are a critical component of the
fight against crime," said Kohler Barnard.
The DA also called for the release of regular crime statistics,
calling for the implementation of a real-time crime statistics
information management system, which would enable communities to
access the latest crime trends in their area.
Finally, the DA called for a concentrated focus on the relationship
between substance abuse and crime.
"The war on drugs is low down on the government's priority list. All
national, provincial and grassroots activities from the public and
civil sector that target substance abuse and related criminal
activities must be identified, assessed and integrated so that we can
develop a more coherent response," she said.
Read the DA document "Five steps to turn around the fight against
crime…please click here >>>

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While the Democratic Alliance is disappointed in the outcome of Hugh
Glenister's High Court bid to save the Scorpions, we respect the
ruling, and will continue to fight against the possible closure of the
Scorpions in Parliament, said the party in May.
"We will continue to represent the interests of the 100 000 people who
signed the Save Our Scorpions petition, as well as the vast majority
of South Africans who oppose the unit's closure. It is clear that the
Scorpions must remain and the DA will do everything in its power to
save a unit that is a critical part of the fight against crime," said
DA spokesperson on safety and security Dianne Kohler Barnard.
"The General Law Amendment Bill (GLAB) as it currently stands will
dramatically undermine the fight against crime - and against organised
crime in particular. In addition, if the GLAB is left unamended, it
will violate key constitutional principles such as the separation of
powers, opening the door to future abuses of power by the SAPS," she
Kohler Barnard said that the myriad flaws contained in the proposed
legislation illustrates just how ill-conceived the decision to disband
the Scorpions is.
"The only way to target sophisticated crimes and criminals effectively
without undermining the due processes of the law and the Constitution
is to retain the Scorpions in their current form – precisely as Judge
Khampepe has recommended to the government," she said.
Read some of our recent statements on the disbandment of the scorpions:
Scorpions draft bill gives the police powers that are reminiscent of
Draft Scorpions Bill blatantly sidelines the public

Back to menu >>


In June, the Democratic Alliance was shocked to learn that, over the
past 24 months, less than 50% of all South African Police Service
(SAPS) members charged with serious offences had been dismissed.
"Only 28% of police officers who were charged with murder, 27% of
those charged with rape, 24% charged with corruption and 31% charged
with armed robbery during this time were ultimately dismissed," said
DA spokesperson on safety and security Dianne Kohler Barnard.
Kohler Barnard said that it was equally disturbing to learn that, over
the past two years, 206 officers were charged with corruption, 59 with
armed robbery, 92 with rape and 95 with murder.
"What this indicates is that the SAPS needs seriously to revise its
recruitment and testing methods, as the bad candidates are clearly not
being sifted out from the good," she said.
"The behaviour of a few is thus allowed to taint the reputation of the
many – a factor which is behind the massive drop in public confidence
in the SAPS: from 45% to 39%. If the Police Service is not seen to
take firm action against those accused of serious offences, this will
be a disincentive to the public to report such offences in future,"
said Kohler Barnard.
Kohler Barnard has written to the Minister of Safety and Security
asking for full details on all cases for the past 24 months in respect
of the investigative outcomes and reasons for the disciplinary

Back to menu >>


In June, the DA wrote to the Auditor-General to request a full audit
of the 10111 emergency response systems used by the South African
Police Service (SAPS).
"The DA believes that such an audit is imperative given the amount of
public money spent on the systems and the surfacing complaints from
various members of the public, as well as SAPS members," said DA
spokesperson on safety and security Dianne Kohler Barnard.
Kohler Barnard said that some of the complaints that had surfaced
indicate that emergency calls go unanswered; telephone operators
cannot take down details correctly; callers are placed on hold when
making an emergency call; and police vehicles are not all equipped
with radios, and must communicate with the 10111 system using their
personal cellphones.
"In order to ensure not only that the money has been well spent, but
also that whatever systems are in place function as they are meant to,
we have asked that the Auditor-General conduct a full and independent
audit of the 10111 systems," she said.
"The SAPS recently spent in the region of R600m on the Gauteng 10111
system and it remains to be seen whether the systems in the provinces
function as they are expected to. Certainly, anecdotal information
seems to reveal that there are major challenges with the 10111 systems
in various areas," said Kohler Barnard.

Back to menu >>


The success of the Western Cape Railway Police is a perfect example of
an Open Opportunity Society in action and how specialised police units
can have a direct and substantial impact on crime, said the Democratic
Alliance in May.
In their first year of operation, the Railway Police reduced crime by
60% and over the past four years, crime has decreased despite the
number of commuters increasing by 12%.
"What the success of the Western Cape Railway Police shows us is that
specialist units can have a direct impact on crime. The DA applauds
the Western Cape Railway Police for their success to date and wishes
them well for the future," said DA spokesperson on safety and security
Dianne Kohler Barnard.
"Proof of the need for specialist units at local level lies in the
fact that the Railway Police have only recently been re-instated.
Prior to that the Railway Police resided within the South African
Transport Services, but were absorbed into the SAPS and subsequently
disbanded. The resulting rise in railway crimes caused the SAPS to
re-instate the units," she said.
Kohler Barnard said specialist units allow for the development of
expertise, the maintenance of institutional knowledge and the pooling
of resources in a targeted approach to deal with specific crimes.
"The possible closure of the Scorpions is another example of how,
instead of replicating the success of the unit across the country, the
government prefers to shut it down - breaking up the investigative
teams and redesigning the replacement unit in such a way as to exclude
most of the key factors that made the Scorpions successful in the
first place."

Back to menu >>


The 2003 Cabinet decision to pull the South African Defence Force
(SANDF) off our borders must be reversed with immediate effect, said
the Democratic Alliance in May.
"The Border Control Operational Coordinating Committee (BCOCC) has had
five years to seal off our porous borders, but has achieved absolutely
nothing. The Auditor General's report is damning in the extreme – and
the entities that this organisation was supposed to pull together, are
in utter chaos," said DA spokesperson on safety and security Dianne
Kohler Barnard.
Kohler Barnard said the BCOCC admitted at a joint sitting of
committees in Parliament that security at our borders was 'poor' and
that, in the past few years, they had launched a few new initiatives,
but that 'the beneficial impact was coincidental'.
"One of the most serious issues raised was that there was no
integrated anti-corruption strategy to protect us against our own
officials and their corruption, fraud, misappropriation of state
funds, aiding and abetting illegal foreigners, and the illegal issuing
of documents or goods. The BCOCC said corruption had penetrated the
police, customs, immigration, cleaners and security contractors," said
Kohler Barnard.
Kohler Barnard said the BCOCC still had no complete overall strategic
plan relating to borderline policing, nor a divisional policy relating
to borderline operations. There was also no specialised operational
support structure for borderline crime intelligence; no examination of
border fences; a 71% under-capacity rate for land borders; sea
borderline operations had a 96% under-capacity rate and air borderline
operations had no permanent staff.
"Above all, there are no centrally collected and analysed statistics
relating to border crimes, illegal foreigners, repatriated illegal
immigrants and criminal syndicates connected with trafficking in
people, goods and weapons. This absence makes a mockery of any attempt
to combat cross-border crime," she said.

Back to menu >>

Read this month's most popular stories:







• Almost two thirds of South Africans do not feel safe enough to walk
alone in the streets after dark – a 148% increase from 1998 levels.
• Less than half the population believes that the police are doing as
good a job as they had done before – a drop from 52% (2003) to 49%.
• Since 2005, the number of police officers declared unfit for duty
due to health problems has increased by 146%, and the number declared
unfit for stress reasons, by 100%.
• In 2007, 204 police officers were boarded for health reasons,
compared to 83 in 2005.
• In 2007, 76 police officers were declared unfit for duty because of
stress, compared to 38 in 2005.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Child Abuse

Hi -

I've had the misfortune to view police photos of murders committed on
South African farming families. These by now run into thousands. You
can't imagine that humans can devise such unthinkable acts to commit
on others. There is no way I'm going to show those to you, but I do
attach that of a child that was fortunate to escape alive.

This is the kind of picture that will make one want to start a war.
Please spare a thought for those victims and let it be known that
fourteen years into our new democracy, things are not very kosher.



Saturday, June 7, 2008


Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2008 11:59:05 +0000
Subject: ESKOM
To: Info@nersa.org.za

If you are against Eskom raising our electricity rates, please sign and send
to as many people as you possibly can.
Please press forward key and then add in your name before sending. Time is
running out and we need to move fast!

Every 500th person should please CC to thulani.gcabashe@Eskom.co.za, the CEO
of Eskom.

1Cecilia Addyman, Kokstad, KZN KZN251 Jan Balt Bethlehem
2Stephen Addyman, Kokstad, KZN KZN252 Mariette Balt Bethlehem
3Ben Dirker, Bluff, Dbn, KZN KZN253 Albert van Rensburg Bethlehem
4Brett Turner, Pmb, KZN KZN254 Louise van Rensburg Bethlehem
5Michael Turner, Pmb, KZN KZN255 Hennie Hattingh Heidelberg GP
6Theresa Turner, Pmb, KZN KZN256 Dienkie Hattingh Heidelberg GP
7Jonathan Coleman, Pmb, KZN KZN257 Hennie Hattingh SNR Heidelberg GP
8Tracy Coleman, Pmb, KZN KZN258 Zonia Hattingh Heidelberg GP
9Heather Coleman, PMB, KZN KZN259 Bruzett de Lange JHB
11Angelique van der Merwe, PMB, KZN KZN261 HEINRIQUE DE LANGE JHB
13Casey van der Merwe, PMB, KZN KZN263 CHANTELLE VAN ZYL JHB
14Veronika Lundin, PMB, KZN KZN264 JUSTIN VAN ZYL JHB
15Charlotte Marx 265 JORDAN VAN ZYL JHB
19Naidoo, Thegraj 269 CLAUDIA V WYK ALBERTON
23Annette Swanepoel 273 ARNO VERMEULEN PRETORIA
29Susan Kotze 279Pieter Botha Roodepoort
30Josua le Roux 280René Botha Roodepoort
31Lettie du Plessis 281 Madeleine Botha Roodepoort
32Martinique Blaauw 282 Melanie Botha Roodepoort
33Chrisna van Dyk 283 Clarissa Botha Roodepoort
34Geraldine Williams, CT, SA Cape Town 284 Liz Good Roodepoort
35Elton White, CT, SA Cape Town 285 [Joyce Fivaz] Joyce Fivaz Roodepoort
36Deon White, CT, SA Cape Town 286 [Joyce Fivaz] Mev. Joey Erasmus
37Jeremy White, CT, SA Cape Town 287 Rina Dercksen Pretoria
38Glen Carelse, CT, SA Cape Town 288 Lynne Salter Pretoria
39Karin Carelse, CT, SA Cape Town 289 Hayley Kemp Pretoria
40Deborah Smith, CT, SA Cape Town 290 Michele Black Pretoria
41Stuart Smith, CT, SA Cape Town 291 David Black Pretoria
42Elizabeth Claassen, CT, SA Cape Town 292 Doug Jones Boksburg
43Patrick Claassen, CT, SA Cape Town 293 Pammy Jones Boksburg
44Anthea Jacobs, CT, SA Cape Town 294 Gertrude Mackinley Boksburg
45Dino Mentoor, CT, SA Cape Town 295 Delene Yaffe Boksburg
46lara Heinamann.CT Cape Town 296 Chris Botha Elspark
47Debbie Manwaring (Jhb) Johannesburg 297 Jan Joubert Benoni
48Cecilia Snyman (KZN) KZN298 Alida Botha Florida Roodepoort
49Peter Snyman (KZN) KZN299 Flip Groenewald Centurion
50Helen Van As (KZN KZN300 Amanda Groenewald Bloemfontein
51Alison Shepherd 301 Cecile BuhrBloemfontein
52Sarah Shepherd 302 Cecilia van der WaltBloemfontein
53Debbie Moon 303 Edward LeonardBloemfontein
54Kristy Moon 304 Roland OdendaalBloemfontein
55Shano Pillay - DURBAN KZN305 Lerina MoodyBloemfontein
56Darshnee Maharajh 306 Catrina de WeeSmithfield
57Roger Reddy 307 Brenda RudmanBloemfontein
58Rita Reddy 308 Koos LeonardBloemfontein
59Nerene Chetty 309Heila LeonardBloemfontein
60Nishi Singh 310Alida RudmanBloemfontein
61Dhaya Govender 311 Elsabe NeethlingBloemfontein
62Vanessa Govender - Durban KZN312 Conrad vd MerweBloemfontein
63Bashi Pillay 313 Unitia ThomasPretoria
64Ashen Poonsamy 314 Sally Blake Pretoria
65Deon Poonsamy - Jhb Johannesburg 315 Johan Bakker Pretoria
66Talia Girdhari - Jhb Johannesburg 316 Fanus Bakker Pretoria
67David Mofokeng-JHB. Johannesburg 317 Jannie Pretorius Pretoria
68Lisa Reddy - JHB Johannesburg 318 Michelle Engelbrecht Pretoria
69Dean Chinnasamy - JHB Johannesburg 319 Paul Bakker Pretoria
70Shaun Chinnasamy - JHB Johannesburg 320 Abram Maimela Pretoria
71Leeann Naidoo - JHB Johannesburg 321 PENNY LURIEJohannesburg
72RISHE KANDHAI - JHB Johannesburg 322 Adele KrugerGermiston
73Laura Matthysen - JHB Johannesburg 323 Yvonne BezuidenhoutPrimrose,
74Maria Inacio - Jhb Johannesburg 324 Lebogang MkhwanaziSoweto
75Elvie Moreira- JHB Johannesburg 325 Irene Ntohla JHB
76U Bryant - JHB South Johannesburg 326 OLGA TOKKIEGERMISTOM
77T Bryant - JHB South Johannesburg 327 Hassen ChoonaraJHB
78D Rawlins - JHB Johannesburg 328 Zakiera Choonara JHB
79B Rawlins - JHB Johannesburg 329 Irshaad LaherJohannesburg
80H Morgan - Johannesburg Johannesburg 330 Aneesa LaherJohannesburg
81T Morgan - Johannesburg Johannesburg 331 Deepika LutchminarainJhb
82N Heald 332 Rivaaj SinghJhb
83C. Heald 333 Vijay SinghJHB
84D. Perhat 334 Desree SinghJHB
85A. HAYES 335 Zohra Khan Lenasia
86V Roodt JHB Johannesburg 336 Najma Bala Lenasia
87K Roodt JHB Johannesburg 337 Khairoonisha Cajee Lenasia
88P Roodt JHB Johannesburg 338 Faeeza Goolam Johannesburg
89Jackie Roodt JHB Johannesburg 339 Shaakira Karim Lenasia-South
90Jacques Roodt JHB Johannesburg 340 Masoodah Mia Lenasia
91M Bezuidenhout JHB Johannesburg 341 Basheer Ahmed Coovadia Lenasia
92P Bezuidenhout JHB Johannesburg 342 Rubena EssaLenasia
93E Bezuidenhout JHB Johannesburg 343 Mehmood Ahmed Coovadia Lenasia
94G Cloete East Londen East London 344 Jubieda Ebrahim Lenasia
95D Cloete East Londen East London 345 Ismail Makda Lenasia
96S Bezuidenhout JHB Johannesburg 346 Farida Patel Lenasia
97A Venter JHB Johannesburg 347 Ghairoonisha Saleejee Lenasia
98Rudi Liebenberg - Centurion Pretoria 348 Abbas Patel
99Charmaine - Centurion Pretoria 349 Nasiema Hoosen Ridgeway
100Estelle Buchling- Pretoria Pretoria 350 Aslam Essa
101Ria Myburg 351 Razia Essa
102Louise van der Merwe 352 Faheema Ebrahim
103Erna Boucher 353 Ayesha Essa
104Cameron Boucher 354 Suliman Essa
105Juanita Els 355 Mohamed Patel
106Anton Els 356 Zafar WahidJohannesburg
107DJRoos 357 Hussain IsmailJHB
108Dk McManus 358 Archie Erasmus JHB
109JP McManus 359 Romeo Erasmus JHB
110L Coetzee KZN KZN360 Theo ChettyJHB
111S Fouche PTA Pretoria 361 Sharon Wright JHB
112Mafhuwa TP (PTA) Pretoria 362 Tracey WrightJHB
113Shirley Braham 363 Kim Wright JHB
114Debbie Goslin 364 Tommy Wright JHB
115Adele Kruger 365 Sue Wright JHB
116Heather-Leigh Neyt 366 Lynette Brynes JHB
117Travis Howell 367 Anthony Brynes JHB
118Dianne Neyt 368 Barry Rowe JHB
119Juanita Fourie 369 Pellop Panagopolous JHB
120Larry Fourie 370 Vera Myburgh CT
121Linda Burns 371 Denise KeefCT
122Robbie Burns 372 Bob KeefCT
123Paula-Jan Gierer DBN KZN373 John SouglidesJHB
124Evelyn Gower 374 Tessa Papadopoulos Randburg
125Nico Potgieter (KZN) KZN375 June PackerDurban
126LINDA RONNE (MANDINI) KZN376 Linda BarnardAlberton
127WHITIE ROUX,MANDINI KZN377 Ursha Van Rensburg Randburg
128Russell Sokolich (Mandini) KZN378 Jade McDonald Randburg, Johannesburg
129Mike Stark KZN KZN379 Marc GiarettiRandburg, Johannesburg
130Charlotte Stark KZN KZN380Angela BishopRandburg, Gauteng
131Natalie Stark KZN KZN381 Clarissa RindlMuldersdrift
132Samantha Stark KZN KZN382 Michelle GroomOlifantsfontein
133Diane Botha 383
134Yvonne Topper 384
135Angel Topper - JHB Johannesburg 385
136Elaine Ramjee-JHB Johannesburg 386
137Laraine Mouat JHB Johannesburg 387
138Avril Corcoran JHB Johannesburg 388
139Sue Mol 389
140Felicity Rooke 390
141 Sheena Mann 391
142Daphne Pearse (Cape Town) Cape Town 392
143Naomi Peagam - Cape Town Cape Town 393
144Noel Peagam - Cape Town Cape Town 394
145Kate Peagam - Cape Town Cape Town 395
146Jill Joslin - Cape Town Cape Town 396
147Bev Vanreusel - Cape Town Cape Town 397
148Ingrid Koster 398
149Laura De Ridder 399
150Maaike Stehouwer 400
151Werner Koster 401
152Moira Koster 402
153Dieter Buhler - Cape Town Cape Town 403
154Catherine Gibson Cape Town 404
155Christina Rossouw Johannesburg 405
156Mark Rossouw Johannesburg 406
157Nicholas Rossouw Johannesburg 407
158Kylie Rossouw Johannesburg 408
159 Karen Wessels Johannesburg409
160 Kayleigh Wessels Johannesburg410
161 Chelsey Wessels Johannesburg411
162 Justine McBeath JHB412
163 Stuart McBeath JHB 413
164 Shevaughn McBeath JHB414
165 Savannah McBeath JHB 415
166 Dylan Jackson JHB416
167 Kate Jackson JHB 417
168 Jeanne King JHB 418
169 Nathan van Wyk JHB 419
170 Gia-Michelle Chisnall JHB420
171Riaan Freitag JHB421
172 Celeste Freitag JHB 422
173 Pieter Scheepers JHB423
174 Irene Joubert JHB 424
175 Jan Joubert VEREENIGING 425
176 Heidi Arthur JHB426
177 Martin Arthur JHB427
178 Safia Cannell JHB428
179 Fabrice Cannell JHB429
180 Andrea Cannell JHB 430
181 Andre' Cannell JHB 431
182 Elma Fritz JHB432
183 May Grobler JHB433
184 Prem Coopoo JHB 434
185 Mxolisi Molefe JHB435
186 Thabiso Tshabalala JHB436
187Lizzie Marole JHB 437
188 Tholakele Nkosi JHB 438
189 Adelaide Ndaba 439
190 Shimmy tsiri jozi 440
191 Malecia Legodi JHB 441
193 Thania Zuma Soweto 443
194 Nthabiseng Motsoane Johannesburg 444
195 Uriel Sonny JHB 445
196 Juleigha Selomi Pretoria446
197 Magda Bresler JHB447
198 Christie Bresler JHB 448
199 Kerry Temlett JHB449
200 Kim Smal JHB 450
201 Karen Eeles JHB 451
202 Louise Vermeulen JHB 452
203 june vermeulen Vereeninging 453
204 Lesley Lancaster East London454
205 Roy Muller East London 455
206 Pat Whitfield East London 456
207 Tyrone Bosman JHB 457
208 Leslie Tharratt Alberton 458
209 John Tharratt Kempton Park 459
210 Rita Tharratt Kempton Park 460
211 Annemarie Nortje Turffontein 461
212 Gideon Nortje Turffontein 462
213 Martie Nortje Alberton 463
214 Trudie Papenfus Kempton Park464
215 Piet Smit Middelburg MP 465
216 Corrie Smit Middelburg MP 466
217 Carl van Schalkwyk Middelburg MP 467
218 Karen van Vuuren Middelburg 468

219 Alta Bezuidenhout Vereeniging 469
220 Johan Ferreira Pretoria 470
221 Michael Thabanchu Pretoria 471
222 Tsietsi Mofokeng Welkom 472
223 Maxie Cooper Bloemfontein 473
224 Callie Venter Bloemfontein 474
225 Eddie Leonard Bloemfontein 475
226 Nthabiseng Lethokoe Bloemfontein 476
227 Nwabisa Nkcaza Bloemfontein 477
228 Dudu Finger Bloemfontein 478
229 Motshidisi Sejeng Bloemfontein 479
230 Ole Leeuw BFN 480
231 Marrion Mosebo Bloemfontein 481
232 Maleshoane Letoane Bloemfontein 482
233Mahlape Gqadu Trompsburg-FS483
234 Mitta Choabi Bloemfontein 484
235 Degracia Ranoto Bloemfontein 485
236Keamogetse Setlai bloemfontein 486
237 Lesley Baholo bloemfontein 487
238 Fahiema Gregory Bloemfontein 488
239 Anna Strauss UPINGTON 489
242 Verona Scheepers Bfn492
243 Violet Japtha Bfn493
244 Trizelle Scheepers BFN494
245 Martie van Wyngaardt Bethlehem 495
246 Jannie van Wyngaardt Bethlehem 496
247 Schalk Nel Bethlehem 497
248 Ritjie Nel Bethlehem 498
249Mev AMC Roux Pietersburg 499
250 Mnr AJ Brits Bethlehem 500
251 L.Manzi Soweto501
252 B Bentley Sandton 502
253 Dudley Bennet Hartbeespoort 503
254 Pamela Bennet Hartbeespoort 504
255 Chris Pretorius Somerset West 505
256 Vicky Pretorius Somerset West

An open letter to President Mbeki: Speak out on Zimbabwe before it is too late

An open letter to President Mbeki: Speak out on Zimbabwe before it is too late

Dear President Mbeki
There is a crisis in Zimbabwe. Everyone recognises this now.
This week, the international community was united in its condemnation
of the arrest and detention of Morgan Tsvangirai by the Zimbabwean
security forces. Yesterday, Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga
described President Robert Mugabe as a dictator and an embarrassment
to Africa.
You said nothing.
What will it take for you to acknowledge what is happening in
Zimbabwe? How many more people must be detained, tortured or killed?
Since the parliamentary and presidential elections on 29 March, it has
become clear that President Mugabe will do whatever it takes to stay
in power. I refer to:

The arrest of opposition leaders Morgan Tsvangirai and Arthur Mutambara;
The halting of food aid to 100 000 children in MDC strongholds;
Zanu-PF's systematic intimidation campaign, which has reportedly
resulted in the killing of 65 MDC supporters and the displacement of
25 000 people;
Rumours of an assassination plot against Morgan Tsvangirai;
The intensified use of the state-controlled media as a propaganda arm
of Zanu-PF;
The arrest and intimidation of journalists, including three South
Africans jailed for six months for being in possession of broadcasting
equipment; and
The detention of US and British diplomats.

These developments, added to the systemic flaws in Zimbabwean
electoral law, remove any vestige of hope that the presidential
run-off election on 27 June will be free and fair.
What are you in your role as mediator doing to ensure that the
election reflects the will of the Zimbabwean people? How have your
mediation efforts improved the situation in Zimbabwe?
The time for quiet diplomacy is well and truly over. It has served
only to prop up a dictator and prevent real change in Zimbabwe. By
appeasing Mugabe and endorsing every fundamentally flawed election in
Zimbabwe, you are complicit in the tyranny that has befallen that
Now that you are starting to think about your legacy, you should focus
on policy areas where you can make a real difference in the time you
have left. Zimbabwe is one of them.
It is essential that you publicly call on President Mugabe to:

Immediately halt state-sponsored political violence and intimidation
of opposition parties;
Release all journalists and opposition supporters currently detained
by the security forces;
Lift all restrictions on independent media, both domestic and foreign;
Allow for the deployment of international electoral observers to
Zimbabwe to monitor the presidential run-off election; and
Reinstate the NGOs responsible for food aid in areas of need.

These measures, if implemented, will not ensure that the presidential
run-off election is free and fair. But they may enable the will of the
Zimbabwean people to triumph despite the systemic flaws in the
electoral process.
As the President of the leading power in Africa and the appointed
mediator in Zimbabwe you are in a position to exert considerable
pressure on Mugabe to implement such measures. It is well within your
power to lobby for Zimbabwe's immediate suspension from the Southern
African Development Community and the African Union. There is nothing
stopping you from imposing targeted travel and financial sanctions on
Zanu-PF's ruling elite.
Your perceived complicity with the Mugabe regime has done immeasurable
damage to South Africa's reputation abroad and to the morale of our
people at home. I urge you to take this one last chance to signal to
the world and the region that your government is committed to
furthering democracy, not despotism, on the African continent.

From the doctor

Friday, April 25, 2008
Disillusioned doctor says "SA, go to hell!"

Posted by: The Doc, South Africa on 4:44am Tue 26 Feb 08

I'm a northern European medical doctor. A senior surgeon,
working in the public sector of South Africa . I have done so the last
5 years. I do not want to speak outside my discipline, so this will be
about the medical demise of SA. Most visitors to South Africa , who
encounter the public health sector, do so by visiting a hospital or a
clinic in or near the big cities. What they get to see is a hospital
or a clinic, which is working, but not up to Western standards.

Before I came down here, I believed that pre-94 South Africa had
a very good health care system for the white population, and nothing
for the black. I soon discovered that was not the case. The
Calvinistic white rulers of South Africa had built an elaborate
network of public hospitals, reaching the outermost societies of this
large country. We are talking about 5-600 beds hospitals far out in
the rural areas.

Before 1994, they were well manned and equipped, and complicated
procedures were carried out there. I know this. I've been to these
hospitals and spoken to the people working there. I have gone through
old patient files and surgical statistics. These were hospitals that
catered for the black population.

This web of hospitals as I can see must have covered more or
less 100% of South Africa 's population, including the former
Bantustans or homelands. I know that the same situation was present as
to schools. The ANC ran a couple of campaigns like "Election before
education" and "To make the country ungovernable" . As part of that,
most rural schools were burnt down.

Keeping in mind the traditionally very violent African culture
down here, one perfectly understands why the hospitals built by the
apartheid government, did not suffer the same fate. This has left us
with a window to the past; we can clearly see that the apartheid
government did not only care for their white population, but in fact,
also took great responsibility for the black, at something that must
have been an enormous cost.

Back to visiting South African hospitals… When doing so, the
visitor will be shown one of a few hospitals, where not too many
windows are broken, not all the equipment has been vandalized and not
all the electric supply has been cut off. Now, go outside these
hospitals, go to the former rural hospitals, and what do you find? You
will find that the hospitals built for the black population, by the
black ANC government, have been degraded and left unfunded. You will
find hospitals with no doctors. Hospitals with no electricity. No
X-ray equipment. No furniture. You actually will find old rural
hospitals inhabited by squatters!

It is for me a huge paradox that the black government seems to
have zero compassion for their own population, as long as they can get
away with it and no one can or will see it. The black population has
not by magic become so much healthier after 1994 that these hospitals
are not needed anymore. Au contraire, the black population is in dire
need of these hospitals, but all they find are ghost hospitals. Many
of which I've visited, are beyond repair.

I am leaving South Africa now. I have paid my duties, and I am
forever marked by Africa in the form of an entry and exit 9 mm bullet
hole in my right upper leg. I got it because my robber was not happy
with me handing over my 10 year old or something Nokia 6110 cellphone,
and some small coins.

No wallet, no rings and only amalgam fillings… Now, what kind of
doctor is that? My last word to South Africa : Go to hell!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Reject the Expropriation Bill

In light of the overwhelming response from members of the public who
have stated their strong opposition to the proposed Expropriation
Bill, the DA has undertaken to help the public make their voices heard
in the legislative process by facilitating the submission of written
objections to Parliament.
In order to make a written submission please address your objection to:
Ms TV Tobias
Chair of the Portfolio Committee on Public Works
The completed submission can then be emailed to bronagh@da.org.za
We will ensure your objection to the Expropriation Bill is submitted.

The Bill can be viewed in PDF format here: