Early in March two women were tortured and murdered in the most
inhuman way thinkable. Mrs. Allice Lotter (78) and her daughter Helen
(57) of Allanridge in the Free State (South-Africa) were attacked with
knives and pieces of glass. After the three terrorists cut the elderly
women with their knives, broken glass was forced into their private
parts. A friend of the family said that one of the women's breasts
were cut off, and anti-white slogans were "painted" (with the breasts)
on the walls. These barbarous methods were also used in the late
1950's in the Belgian Congo.
This barbarous attack led to the K.OB (Committee of Public Relations
of the Boerevolk) initiating a protest march in front of the court
where the bail application of the attackers would be heard.
A simulation of this barbarous attack was staged and a dummy of a
murderer was set alight in front of hundreds of people. A poster with
the words "burn in hell" was placed on the dummy.
The reality that there are only about 2 million white people left in
South Africa, is slowly sinking in. Of the more than 100 000 white tax
paying Boer farmers that fed the country before 1994, there are now
only 13 500 left !
White Genocide in South Africa is a reality.
The K.O.B. of the Boervolk as well as the BVS will continue to stage
such protest actions against Boer genocide.
A copy of the Boerevolk's "Majuba declaration" was also delivered to
mr. Ban Ki-moon of the UN.
Edwin Leemans
Chairman of K.O.B (Committee of Public Relations) of the BVS