Jul 21 2008 08:25:52:273AM
News24 User Matsitso is frustrated that the ANC has not been able to
maintain what the National Party built.
Matsitso, News24 User
"Inkatha Freedom Party and the Democratic Alliance candidates won all
nine by-elections contested in KwaZulu-Natal". This was reported on
News24. Following the by-election results an IFP official was reported
saying that this was a sweet victory for the IFP.
All I can do is to join him in celebrating the victory though I am not
an IFP supporter. What this IFP official missed was that their victory
was not just an IFP victory, but victory for South Africa as well.
What's my point? 1994 has come and gone and yet 14 years later people
find life to be much more difficult than it was during the apartheid
era. Worst of all, you still find people who would support a president
to bid for a third term of office after failing dismally to improve
people's live (don't get me wrong, Mbeki is not the only person
responsible for the chaos South Africa is experiencing today, but at
the end of the day he is the commander in chief).
South Africans are also responsible because other than being lazy and
assisting illegal immigrants in destroying South Africa (e.g. by
partnering with immigrants in committing violent crime and
distributing drugs), they expected government to do everything for
Worst of all, they continue to give majority power to the very corrupt
government that failed to improve their lives. There is nothing wrong
about having a black government until "the second coming of Jesus" as
Zuma put it, but to continue voting for the same party just because it
is a black party is suicidal in itself.
Heads and hearts
As black South Africans we need to start voting with our heads not our
hearts (emotions aside), otherwise South Africa will take the same
direction as Zimbabwe and other African states that were liberated
before us.
We need to wake up and learn from other people's mistake. Fourteen
years is more than enough time for any party to implement working
The problem is that upcoming leaders will continue with this practice.
I don't believe for a second that the ANCYL fought against Mbeki
because they love the country. My take is that they were irritated by
the fact that he was preventing them from taking over.
Instead of addressing crime, politicians try to justify it by shouting
poverty. Of course there is a relationship between the two, but
overseas investors aren't that stupid to risk their money in a country
where you are not even going to save in your own house.
We are lucky that the DA and the IFP still exist. My simple take is
that the death of DA will be the end South Africa. Like it or not we
need the DA.
For me it is a disgrace that ANC government cannot even maintain what
the National Party built.
Read the story online:
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