Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stop a Zuma two-thirds majority

Dear DA supporter

Our country is in grave danger of Jacob Zuma and his allies achieving
a two thirds majority in parliament. The consequences would be
disastrous. People like Julius Malema, Blade Nzimande and Zwelinzima
Vavi would have the power to change our Constitution and damage our

Help ensure Zuma doesn't get his way. Join thousands of volunteers
already working to win support for Helen Zille and the DA.

Here are six ways to help:

Give 30 minutes of your time to call 20 unregistered voters from your home.

Join other DA volunteers in local door-to-door registration drives and
neighbourhood walks.

Spread the DA's positive message of a safe and prosperous future for
all South Africans by writing in to newspapers, blogging or calling in
to talk radio shows.

Grow Helen Zille's DA volunteer team by asking your friends, family
and co-workers to get involved.
Build momentum for the DA by attending events and rallies, and show
the country how ordinary South Africans are lining up behind our
positive vision. Volunteer to help on Election Day. We need thousands
of volunteers to get out the vote and monitor the IEC in polling

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